Tuesday 21 August 2007

This is fun

I have been flirting with limit for a week. So far I have read most of Small Stakes Hold em, which is definitely helping. It is very worrying how much basic general poker knowledge I don't have, or at least don't use. I now have an outs/pot odds chart next to my computer and I am trying to do the right thing thing.

I have played a few hands at $0.5/$1, $1/$2 and $2/$4, but not enough to mean much results wise.

My first thoughts are pre-flop I'm ok. I was actually quite surprised about some of the hands Sklansky suggests playing. I wouldn't play Q10s in a full nl ring game in early position for example. At the moment I am just playing tight.

Post flop, not so good. I just can't tell what people have and whether my second pair etc is good. I find myself check calling weak hands to the river. I am not a great no limit player, but even to me certain betting patterns scream AK, flush draw etc. At the moment I am having trouble spotting the signs at limit (there may not even be any!).

I have downloaded and managed to get Pokertracker to work. I'm not sure why I couldn't use it before. I think it was something to do with importing e-mails. I don't know what all the figures mean, but at least I will know exactly how I am doing.

Whilst saying this is probably a bit of a no no in blogger world, I am also pretty chuffed that Michael from countingmyouts left a couple of comments on this blog (his was one of the first blogs I came across and its a goodun).

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